FX Guide – Thor 2: The Dark World

This is FX Guide’s “The dark side: behind the VFX of Thor: The Dark World” http://www.fxguide.com/featured/the-dark-side-behind-the-vfx-of-thor-the-dark-world/

Captain America: The First Avenger

Video with some of the work I did at Luma Pictures for Captain America: The First Avenger (2012) [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/40992325 w=700&h=393] Ruy Delgado (Luma Pictures) Captain America: The First Avenger Tracking / Matchmove Work from Ruy Delgado on Vimeo.

K-12 Short Movie

I was invited to be a part of the Effects team for a short movie that was to compete in a Superhero contest. We had 2 weeks to come up with a story about a Superhero and do a 10 min short movie about him/her. We had to provide the actors, equipment and everything else […]